It’s been awhile since I’ve had a personal blog, so I’ll just start by sharing my reason for writing and set some expectations.

I’ve always heard that the best way to be a better writer is by writing consistently every day, even if it’s just random rubbish in a journal. So about a year ago, I started journaling. I’d write for a couple weeks, stop for a month or two, then get back into it again. I’d tell myself, “I’ll never go back and read my journal. What’s the point?” I didn’t find it gratifying or satisfying. Writing for the sake of writing is fine, but it’s just not engaging for me when there isn’t any hope of some point to it all.

Last week my good friend Josh Bartolomucci and I discussed goals for short and long term. I’d still like to be a better writer, but this time I’m going to try something a little different. I’ll set aside at least 15 minutes to write each day, but I’ll do it as drafts in WordPress. Maybe it’ll still be a journal that’s really only interesting to me. Or maybe I’ll be motivated to spend my 15 minutes working on interesting posts for my friends and colleagues.

Here are some things I’m into right now that I’m bound to blog about:

  • What I’ve been reading lately (goal: 3 books/mo)
  • Being car free (going on 7 years now)
  • Christianity and theology
  • Productivity and time management
  • Board games, family, and friends
  • Pantheon, Enjoy Creativity, Drupal, and WordPress

Leave a comment to let me know if anything jumps out at you. Why? Even though the blog is about me I still care about you.

Categories: Uncategorized

David Needham

David Needham is the Team Lead of the Technical Curriculum Development team at Datadog. When he's not blogging about productivity and faith at or speaking at conferences, you can find him streaming on Twitch or playing fun board games with his wife and kids in Champaign, IL.


Hamlin McDaniel · April 17, 2017 at 2:24 pm

Congrats on the relaunch! Looks awesome!!

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